Yoga with standing poses
Here’s a 60 minutes class with some standing poses as well. It’s a little bit more intense than the classes I’ve bee posting lately. Enjoy
Alex Pinto Personal Trainer Hertford
Elevate Your Fitness: Personalized Reformer, Yoga, Pilates, Nutrition, and Motivation
Here’s a 60 minutes class with some standing poses as well. It’s a little bit more intense than the classes I’ve bee posting lately. Enjoy
Here’s another 30 minutes Pilates class for you to do at home. The class is a recording from one of my online classes. Make sure you have plenty of space around you but also feel free to use a chair, a table or even the wall if you struggle with balance. It’s ok to stop…
Here’s a 60 minutes Yoga session for you to start or to finish the day. Don’t forget to click like, subscribe and share. Namaste
Quite often I mention about abdominals and hip flexors when explaining an exercise. Could be when working with kettlebells, Pilates, Yoga, lifting weights or even running. They play an important role in stabilizing and moving your hips, thighs, and spine. A classical example is a Pilates exercise called “Roll Up” on which if we break…
The majority of us are taught or teach ourselves to accentuate the positives and eliminate the negatives in life. Here’s a “What if” for ya! If we eliminate ALL negatives, then there will only be positives left! Anyway, it’s important for us to sometimes focus on what not to do, on what to avoid, in…
This is a quick fat burner upper body workout. I’ve used this workout as part of some personal training sessions specially when doing high intensity interval training (HIIT). It targets the whole upper body (chest, shoulders, triceps) including core and hip mobility/flexibility.
The Rocker with open leg is the 9th exercise from the original 34 exercises designed by Joseph Pilates. The exercise demonstrated in the video is a slightly variation of the original (easier option). It is a all round exercise which works with core strength, mobility, flexibility and balance.
The Roll Over is the third exercise from the original 34 exercises and is one of my favorite exercises as well. If done correctly it’s a great exercise to strength your core, improve flexibility and work with spine mobility. Check the video and follow the instructions below: