30 minutes mat Pilates – class 2

10/04/2020 Off By AlexPinto

Here’s another 30 minutes Pilates class for you to do at home. The class is a recording from one of my online classes.

Make sure you have plenty of space around you but also feel free to use a chair, a table or even the wall if you struggle with balance. It’s ok to stop and rest if needed.

I always mention about the 5 R’s at the beginning of my classes but I had to cut this part from my recording.

You can use the 5 R’s to keep all the movements pain free and under control (being able to breathe and maintain the spine in the correct position or move it correctly).

The 5 R’s are:

Change the resistance, in this case against gravity, with the angle of your legs and arms. In some cases not using your legs or arms.

Range of movement:
Making the movement as big as it’s comforable and controled.

Performing the movement slower or faster. Most of the time slower for more intensity, keeping muscles under tension and stretched for longer.

Stop and rest when needed. If you lose control or if the movement becomes uncomfortable (painful).

Do less repetitions of a particular movement or if its a sequence of exercises and a particular movement becomes too much, come back to a previous exercise you could perform comforably.

With all this in mind, enjoy the class.

30 minutes Pilates class with standing warm-up