Category: Fitness

Best full body exercise

Very often people ask me what is the best movement to work with your whole body (not talking about exercise programme – cardio, weights, etc; I’m talking about a specific movement, a specific exercise) or what is the best movement to include on my exercise programme to burn more fat or to get more/faster results.

By AlexPinto 30/10/2010 Off

300 workout

The 300 workout was created and used by Gym Jones when training the actors for the 300 movie. In reality it wasn’t a workout. It was a test (or a kind of “baptism”) used at the end of their training period. The idea is to perform a series of exercises in the minimum time possible and you must…

By AlexPinto 06/10/2010 Off

How to set your fitness goals

What do you want to achieve with an exercise programme? What is your fitness goal at the moment? They seem simple and easy questions but almost every day I get people looking for an exercise programme or signing up for a personal training package and when I ask these simple questions they are apparently taken by surprise. And…

By AlexPinto 04/09/2010 Off

Improve your workout with Pilates

Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, run a marathon, bulk up, improve your sports performance or simply bring your general fitness to another level, anyone can benefit when incorporating Pilates exercises or just the principles into their routine. Here are some reasons why you should think about adding a little bit of time…

By AlexPinto 18/08/2010 Off