Pros and cons of resistance machines

21/06/2011 Off By AlexPinto

A controversial subject like resistance machines inspires strong feelings in many people, on both sides, for and against. Putting emotional feelings aside, it’s always best to take a look at each side as logically and cool-headedly as is possible. Easier to examine the positioning calmly and reasonably as an alternative to venting spleens in emotional interchanges over positions. Let’s examine resistance machines and the positions on each side, the Pros as well as the Cons:
Ready? Then let’s start. First the Pro’s:
The first point favouring the use of resistance machines is they are safe.
A 2nd point in favour can be they are really simple to use.
The third supporting point is going to be you are able to easily adjust the resistance in the middle of your set.
The 4th point in support of resistance machines is going to be the fact you don’t have to put all the weights back when you finish.
And last (but not necessarily least) we have the 5th point in support you can isolate a specific muscle to work with.
And alternatively, to keep this balanced, there is Con’s:
The primary point against resistance machines is they don’t reflect a real situation for your body when using resistance.
The second point against is going to be you don’t work as hard as when using free weights.
A third significant point against is the fact you don’t work other abilities like balance, coordination, precision.
The fourth point against is most machines have limitations regarding selection of movement, adjustments to your height, etc.
5th and ultimately, against is you will never get the results as fast as working with free weights.
So there we have all the arguments from each side.
And so, who won? What can we conclude? Are resistance machines more good than bad? Or more bad than good?
Both questions seem to have a “yes” answer! Resistance machines is a blend of good and bad… This is left up to your reader to make the decision which side, the good or the bad, outweighs the other one…