Pilates – The Roll Up

24/01/2014 Off By AlexPinto

The Roll Up is another must on all Pilates sessions. Could be as the original exercise or one of its variations if needed.

It is the second of the 34 original exercises designed by Joseph Pilates and it works with core strength as well as spine mobility and flexibility.

Check the instructions then follow the video.

There are many variations for this exercise. Make sure you do it with control and correct technique. If you cannot go all the way up, patience. Use the other exercises to increase your strength and to work you your spine mobility and overall flexibility.


  1. Lay down flat with spine in neutral position and shoulders stabilized
  2. INHALE slowly and bring arms above head and move them again up while bringing your head up (start rolling your spine forward).
  3. EXHALE slowly and roll your spine all the way up and forward as if you want to reach your toes
  4. INHALE slowly and bring arms all the way up while you lengthen your spine
  5. EXHALE and roll your spine all the way down. Vertebrae by vertebrae.


In doubt always look for professional advice (feel free to contact me) and if you are starting a fitness regime consult your GP.